Live and let live…

Live and let live…
This such a powerful phrase I”m sure you’ve heard this phrase one time or another.
“Run your own life the way you want to, and let others do the
same; be tolerant of differences”.
The other day while I was doing my own research I came across
an article about the Temperate rain forests . Let me explain – in case
your not aware of what it is. “Temperate rain forests are forests in
the mid-latitudes that are cool and wet due to marine influence and
heavy rainfall. They have dense canopy cover and also have mosses
and lichens. Need less to say I found myself going down the rabbit
whole of the dark and rainy forests – if memory serves there are 12
different types of Temperate rain forests. which led me to discover
there are low- income communities and communities of color have

25 percent less trees compared to wealthier – often whiter – ones.
This made me cringe;  back when I was a
young girl certain neighborhoods
would have NO tree at all – which left you
with an eerie felling sometime filed
with a sense  sadness and a bite of
depression all
though I’m sure I didn’t know the exact terminology at the time due
to me being so young; In saying that the feeling was present.
So what can we do about it ? Well for starts we can make small changes like
contacting your borough president to question and inform
them to why there isn’t enough trees in your communities this is a
small but big step – why because ones you are aware of the things
that are happening in your community other’s will do the same.
We all have a hand in the pot we might as well stir the pot together.
Here are a few benefits of tree covering:
  • Cool the air by shading surfaces such as concrete and asphalt,
  • preventing heat storage and reducing the urban heat effects
These are some to name a few – So the next time your on your
morning stroll try to make a mental note of how many Tress you
see around your community it mite be the perfect opportunity for you to
make a difference.
The End.
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Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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