Things you should expect at the Spa!

The experiences at the spa is always so interesting; it could get really colorful

depending on were you go and I guys I mean colorful Lol be live me when I tell

you; I’ve been to some real dives but don’t get it twisted I’ve received some of

the best Mani pedi  from some of those places.  Now that your girl has grown a

bit Lol..  It’s time for your  girl to branch on to bigger and better things no more

of the days were the mom with the kids running around While the poor mom is

trying to squeeze in some me time; As a mom myself I always feel for the mom

I remember when I had to do the same ones upon a time.

I vowed to myself moving forward in 2024 I will only go to the spa so i can

receive the kind of service only a spa can provide. Continue reading “Things you should expect at the Spa!”

“The paralyzed man” Mark 2:1-28 as sores of strength in our lives?

“The paralyzed man”  but 

Mark 2:1-28

as a soures of strength in our Lives? 

Life can thorough you curveballs but it doesn’t main you have to hang around

to catch it! like were does it say we really have to do anything. Yes! We all

participate in life to live in harmony with one another, Yes there’s  also others

whom would rather give two F#$ks!  Thing  is… You have the choose to make

the changes in your life but YOU! have to participate  in you..

Continue reading ““The paralyzed man” Mark 2:1-28 as sores of strength in our lives?”

Why listening to the word of God will help you reach your goals!

My loves welcome back to the blog! Man the year just stared and it already

feels like were in the thick of it!

One of the things I’ve been doing my best to keep tabs on is how am I feeling

internally; The best way to get an honest answer; Is to set time out to

sit with God.. when we set time aside to talk with God we can more so hear

what Gods path is for our lives.. And guess what; Your in luck!.. This week

Continue reading “Why listening to the word of God will help you reach your goals!”

Why waking up early can help you to establish healthy boundaries!

Happy New Year guys! Welcome back to the blog.; We made it! Were  here  We

are being productive and so much more;  Sooo I’v been making it a point to go

out in nature  early in the mornings ; I’m talking 4 AM, 5 AM! Thanks to the

book called  the 5 AM club.

one of the take aways I received from the book was to earn  my mornings!

waking  up between the hours at 4:30 AM and 5 AM has really changed the

game. It taught me so many things about myself;  one of the things I realized I

needed to wok on was personal boundaries ; This came about when I started

going for my morning works; Once I started getting up earl and taking time  out just for me! This allowed me Continue reading “Why waking up early can help you to establish healthy boundaries!”

Why it’s important to practice self care after the holiday’s!

Now that the holidays are almost over; there’s no better time like the present

to get back on track with our Self-care routine!

If your anything like me; longing for that special time is at an all times high! If

not let me tell you at lest from my perspective why you may want to run and jot

down some time to start a Self care routine. Continue reading “Why it’s important to practice self care after the holiday’s!”