“The paralyzed man” Mark 2:1-28 as sores of strength in our lives?

“The paralyzed man”  but 

Mark 2:1-28

as a soures of strength in our Lives? 

Life can thorough you curveballs but it doesn’t main you have to hang around

to catch it! like were does it say we really have to do anything. Yes! We all

participate in life to live in harmony with one another, Yes there’s  also others

whom would rather give two F#$ks!  Thing  is… You have the choose to make

the changes in your life but YOU! have to participate  in you..

if you were  really honest with your self; What area in your life is paralyzed ?  In

terms of your on self reflaicshion & belief system that makes you susceptible to  fear

These are  some of the areas I’ve been

working on in my on life: and your going

to be so excited to hear what I’ve

learned! Fist thing first I have to say

Thank you  God thank you in the

name of Jesus! Thats the whole point right here guys! But I came here to shear

a story with you guys so that’s what I will do…

Before we start be sure to click the podcast button; your support means the

 world to me – Live a comment! Say  your from the Blog – xox!



I love to start my day with the world of God;  It  sets the ton for the day while

acting as a calmimg agent for less anxiety;  Gaining the ability to function in a

peaceful mindset could we say win win!

there was  a store of a paralyzed man in the area Jesus was making his

appearance; Ever one wanted to talk to Jesus; there were people from near

and fear that  wanted to see and talk to the Jesus!

One of the things that comes to mind is   The Fact that Jesus was on the earth;

I’m sure all was able to feel the impact he was making and had on everyone he


so the paralyzed man asked his friends to help him get to Jesus! And guess

what his friends agreed

Fear is real thing when life gets a hold on you and  just like that there goes

those strong holds! living us broken and epmty..  So when I read Mark 2:1-28

I could feel something moving unsaid of me!

God is good ya’ll Kowing that we are  all free! we just have to make it a point to

remember that ” were  free” from our thoughts and belief systems about our

self. God said we are beautiful and wonderfully made!

See the paralyzed wasent afraied;  he now who God was! He asked his friends

to lower him down from the ROOF!  whatttt Now thats faith! I dont even feel

right about a friend hugging me to tight Lol!  But for real though, Thats

courage..  So from the rooftop top to  be lowered to the feet of the most high

God can I get a amen! well needless to say Jesus was impressed! As he also

now the courage it took ; Remmber guys the Roof!

And just like that Jesus  told “The paralyzed man to rool up your mate and walk away!

Mark 2:1-28

 One of the take aways for me  was The paralyzed

man faith;  think about it this is Jeuse;  Things were

very different in these times..   there were no youtube

or internet there was just plan old word of moth and

through this the word  got to  The paralyzed man. I belive this is also one of

the reasons why Jesus was impressed;  The fact that  his faith was on the

believe on  only on what he heard of what Jesus could do; Guys I could of on

that topic right there! So be on the look out for more new blog post.

We all deserve a chance to live a rich and full life.

 2 Corinthians 5:7 “We live by faith, not by sight”


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.




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