Self-Sabotage Why we do it? || Tips to help stop self sabotage!!!!

 Self sabotage, why we do it, On Google and here are some of the answers that was given…

1. It often stems from low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and related negative emotions, which are continually reinforced by the resulting failure.

2. Self-sabotage is your brain’s way of trying to protect you from emotional pain.

3. Self-sabotaging happens when there’s a mismatch between our values and our behavior. Elizabeth Magical Garden

Here are Three Simple tips:  That will help Change the course of your Life in a positive way!!!

1. Daily Journaling! This has literally been an ongoing’s theme in my life for

more than 20 years, I can assure you unloading your thoughts on paper allows

your thoughts, creativity your dreams and aspirations.  Allows you the space

to be successful at accomplishing your goals as well as help keeping you


2. Tip is Trust!

What are your belief systems when it comes to putting faith into “you” this is

something I’m always working on, to be honest I don’t think there is an End to

being aware of were stand in our beliefs system in our regards.. Trust in our

self will aid us when the voices of aka protector/ sabotage tries to zero in…

Trusting what we know we deserve will  help put  to rest if not quiet down that

protector/sabotage voice, When it comes along lol.. Don’t get me wrong this

voice is need as well, this is why I made sure to mention “protector” keeping a

healthy balance well keep the ability for healthy progress as well the aid in

accomplishing  goals.

3. Last, but not least: Waking up Earlier!

This is such a hard and Easy one here’s why, Waking up earlier will allow such

an on going dynamic,  One! you’re keeping your word to your self which builds

confidence;  By keeping your word to

wake up earlier at the same time

everyday will sprinkle into every area of  

your life so much that when  the aka

protector/sabotage voice comes along you will have the strength  to take the

necessary step to accomplish your goals! There will definitely be days when

your not gonna wanna do any of these tips! But I believe practice makes

perfect you got this!

Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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