Why walk going on Morning walk can help your day be brighter!

My loves its been a minutes I know!  The fact that were in the Fall season says alot…  Can you believe Thanks Giving is next week? Nov. is the last Month before things really start to get crazy: Here are some tips;  I’ve been using to help clam me down leading up to the holiday months ahead…

 Go out in nature! I can’t stress this point enough!  Study suggest  that every Human  should go outside as soon as they can to get at list 15 minutes of  direct sun light..  When I tell you this has been a game changer for me, I’ve struggled in the past with this;  Staying in doors way more then I  should of.. Which resulted in seasonal depression.. What I’ve found to be the most effective is going out into the sunlight.. You be supersized how good you’ll feel afterwards!

 Now this may or may not be a no brainier for you; But if your anything like me this can become a little tricky; I have never been the kind of person who could just walk aimlessly… And I mean never; When I was a young girl and my friends would ask me to go on walks with them, The first thing that would come out of  my moth would be  “Were are we going” Having a “focal point” of were you would like to go for your walks will not only make it easier;  while also taking away any anxiety.  You’ll  also gain the advantage of timing  your  steps! About 10,000 is needed  per day to be considered active!
One step at a time creates a path to a fuller happier Life!

Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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